The Time is Right for Social Workers

social workers can helpSocial work is one of the fastest growing careers in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. There were more than 715,000 social work jobs in 2020. The profession is expected to grow by 12% by 2030.

Roles of Social Workers

When I chose the social work field, my family and friends assumed I would work for Child Protective Services (CPS). They thought that’s what social workers do. This is a common misconception I have found through my career. Working for CPS is a highly valued role of a social worker. However, they serve in a number of settings and roles. Just to give an idea, social workers are in schools, jails, the military, hospitals, private practice, and nonprofit organizations. They do counseling, advocacy, community organizing, respond to mental health crises, assist in natural disaster response, provide trauma care for first responders, work in hospice care, and more.

Social Workers Approach to Therapy

Of these amazing and impactful roles, I am a clinical social worker. Rather, I am a proud clinical social worker! We use a systems approach. In a nutshell, when working with an individual, we use a broad lens approach that includes the influence from family, relationships, social settings, economic issues, environment at home currently, and environment with our family of origin to assess and help in the healing process of clients.

When is the Right Time for a Social Worker?

Social workers can help you when you are:
  • Anxious or depressed after the long-lasting pandemic
  • Stressed and overwhelmed by political issues and the state of our country
  • In a transition in your life and don’t know what to do next
  • Have grief and loss of someone you love
  • Have grief of the life you had planned, and that plan was turned on its head
  • Feel hopeless and concerned with foreign issues, such as conflicts in Afghanistan and/or Ukraine
  • Concerned for your children dealing with isolation and academic challenges the last two years
  • Want to be around others, but have anxiety about being around others
  • Want to talk to someone who is nonbiased, nonjudgmental, and provides unconditional positive regard. Isn’t this something we all want?

Now is the Right Time

Social workers have a strong passion and desire to help people improve their lives. Now is the right time for social workers! Thank you to all the social workers out there serving their purpose and mission in life – to help others!